Anudeep Samaiya 
Backend Developer | Data Engineering | Devops
Hey there 👋,
I am a backend developer based in Bengaluru, India 🇮🇳. I enjoy solving problems and have a big appetite for continually learning and growing. In my spare time I like to read 📝, cook 🍲, learn guitar 🎸, go cycling 🚵, hiking 🥾 and workout 🤸🏼
Skills: Python / Django / GoLang
- 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on Open Source projects.
- 💬 Ask me about Python, Celery, Locust, Postgres or anything related to the python stack.
- 🧐 I have keen interest in math, economics, programming, and science.
- 🌱 I’m addicted to learning and growing every day. I’m currently learning Rust 🦀.
- 🌏 I share a little bit of my knowledge to the world through my blogs.
- ⚡ Fun fact: I’ve recently started running 🏃🏼 (my best: 5kms under 33minutes) and solving Rubiks cube (my best: under 3 minutes).

🛠️ Languages

